Ave Maria Exploring Exploring Creation with Physical Science
1st Test Due October 9th, 2017
Test # 1 Name: ___________________Date:______
Physical Science for Middle School- Home Schoolers Ave Maria
Each question is worth 10 points, unless indicated. Maximum number of points is 100. Do all 10 questions. There is an extra question for extra credit.
- What is an Atom
- A Statue is made out of copper and sits outside. After many years, what color will the statue be?
- Give the numerical meaning for the prefix : KILO
- If a person has a mass of 75 kg, what is his or mass in grams ?
- Define the term : Relative Humidity
- If you put a glass of water outside when the relative humidity is 100%, how quickly will the water evaporate ?
- What is the percentage of Nitrogen in the Air ? And Percentage of Oxygen in the air we breathe ? (2 Points)
- What makes up the majority of the air we breathe ?
- Do we exhale more carbon dioxide or oxygen ?
- Are we having global warming, according to the data ?
- The current concentration of ground-level ozone in the air is about 0.110 ppm. What is its number in percent ?
Tests 50% of overall grade
Quizzes 20% of overall grade
Oral Participation 20% of overall Grade
Lab Reports 10% of overall grade
Letter Grade % Comparisson
A+ | 98-100 |
A | 90-97 |
B+ | 87-89 |
B | 80-86 |
C+ | 77-79 |
C | 70-76 |
D+ | 67-69 |
D | 60-66 |
F | 0-59 |