The Iphone: An invention by Chance?
What about your Iphone. Did not Steve Jobs and others create and co-create the Iphone you hold in your hands?
Respectfully Steve Jobs is not here today, but would anyone dare say that because he is not present, that his invention did not take place by him and others? That he didn't design or help design it?
That his invention was simply a pure chance of his imagination? Worse yet, that is was in the making through millions of years and that it came about by a simple chance of millions of volts of applied electricity and a goop of silicon material that haphazardly came together in an obscure lab at Silicon Valley?
That would not be a very respectful nor honoring way of remembering a brilliant, intelligent person, engineer and inventor.
Well meaning scientists and or chemists may one day be able to re-produce a simple replica (or even a complex replica) of the DNA and or the chemical composition of a single or multiple cells. However, that would simply mean that it took someone INTELLIGENT with a very sharp sense of ability, education, training and mathematical ability to re-create life.
A re-creation of life is just what the word means: Re-CREATION.
It would have taken the incredibly arduous effort, preparation, scholarly study, huge amount of knowledge and the relentless work of an INTELLIGENT person to get to that point. Unless we take away the credit of that brilliant chemist or physicist no one would dare claim that theirs was not an intelligent accomplishment but a simple matter of mindless “chance”.
"Just as phosphorus, glass and copper will work together in a television set only if properly arranged by human engineers, so DNA (with its ATP- Adenosine triphosphate) and protein will only work in productive harmony if properly ordered by an outside creative agent". (Gary Parker, PhD).
Evolutionary biologist Eugene Koonin, calculated the "probability of a simple replication-translation system, just one key component, to be less than 1 chance in 10^1,018 making it unlikely that life will ever spontaneously self-assemble anywhere in the universe."
Life comes from an intelligent source. Life does not come from far fetched chasm jumping “hoping and wishing” over millions of years of chemical reactions, or physical reactions that evolutionists blindly use for their attempt to go from primordial soup goo- to- humans. (Darwin Flubber)
If Creation is a Religion, so is Evolution
The Universe Forum which is part of NASA's Education Support Network stated in one of its reputable web pages:"No one yet knows what happened at the instant of the Big Bang - or what came before. What powered the Big Bang? Where did all the stuff in the universe come from in the first place? What was the universe like just before the Big Bang?"
In other words no one knows the origin of this phenomena. It is based on guess-work and more accurately on blind faith.
However, when Christians reply that they don't know the origin of an Intelligent Creator, they are accused of being religious and naively believing in "blind faith".
The difference between these two "naive" beliefs is that we see evidence of an Intelligent Creator, Rom 1:20. but we do not have a single evidence that the "Big Bang" ever happened.
It is like saying to your friend standing next to you: "We have no idea if the IPhone actually exists" as you answer an incoming call on the latest version of Apple's IPhone.
Evolution is a false religion that is taught in schools as "science". The "magic" of millions of years and millions of accidental "natural selections" or goo-to-you evolution is held out as an explanation of creation.
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