Physical Science Middle School

Physical Sciences for Middle Schoolers 

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Preface to this Class:

Any and all communication with the instructor, postings and or new material will be done via this website, or email. I do not have access to a cell phone all the time.

We are teaching this class based on the caveat that we remain true to our mission for teaching.

Class Title: Exploring Creation with Physical Science for Middle Schoolers.

Note to Parents: 

I will be using the following textbook for the entire class:

"Exploring Creation with Physical Science" by Wile, 2nd Edition. 

I have decided NOT TO USE the textbook that was originally donated as I am NOT willing to teach from a tool that is totally based on illusory stories, contradicts true science, and whose main interest is to win the hearts of out children to believe in the - completely unproven hypothesis - of the "evolution of man". (Wells, 2002)

Thus, I will NOT BE USING the Textbook: Physical Science- CPO Science by Thomas C. Hsu, PhD.

(We initially selected to use this book because it was donated and free of charge).

This is a course in Physics and Science home schoolers that teaches scientific facts. 

 There are too many not truths, inconsistencies, innacuracies and hype throughout  the entire textbook. They are too many to be exposed throughout the entire school period. I am NOT willing to expose any of the children to such innaccurate and "evolutionary" hyped statements that do not convey true science.

  As an instructor, I am called upon to defend the scientific, accuracy of true science, and NOT hype, while conducting this class.

It is my duty to expose many of the contradictions in the textbook, which go contrary to inerrant facts, and beliefs of many in the scientific community (1)(2)(3).

Please go to the syllabus to see the actual version of our class.


Reasons why I will NOT teach with the old textbook:


This is only a sample. There are too many throughout the ENTIRE textbook.

Thus, EVERY TIME the word "evolved", "evolution" is used, it should have been replaced it with the work "DESIGNED" "CREATED" or "CREATION".

All the fallacies related to "evolution" mentioned throughout the textbook were to be highly exposed and refuted for what they are: FALLACIES and "story telling". There is no need for evolution to be introduced in a middle school physics/chemistry/biology based textbook.

This is another example of God-less minded secularists and evolutionists constantly trying to hijack our children's minds and hearts by teaching absurdities instead of TRUE science.

Here are some additional examples of those fallacies:

We strongly disagree with the author in his continuous attempt to inculcate the false teaching of "evolution" throughout the textbook.

His disguised and subtle manners of constantly trying to convince the reader, and in this case young minds, that we humans and living creatures "evolved", is false and will NOT be taught in this class.

Examples of statements that are not true and or out of line with TRUE scientific teachings:

Section 1.1 of the textbook

Chapter 1- What Physics and Chemistry Are About

Page 5 Paragraph 1: While the author initially states "Chemistry tells us about the different kinds or matter and how they were CREATED", he immediately contradicts himself on page 6.

Page 6: Illustration statement for Fig 1-4 he says "The Cheetah has a body that is highly evolved". End of quote.

We counter. The Cheetah has a body that has NOT EVOLVED. It has been DESIGNED and is well adapted for speed.( Gen 1:20).

Page 6: Paragraph 4: Author incorrectly states that “living things have evolved”. Again in contradiction to earlier stated idea (on page 5) that “different kinds of matter” were “CREATED”.

Page 7: Just as textbook states that “technology is CREATED by people”, in 2nd paragraph,  we counter that all things including LIVING things have been designed and CREATED by an intelligent entity.

Same page 7:  “Design cycle is how technology gets better.” Thus, we counter, it takes an intelligent person or being to make things better. Not millions of years of evolution as the author(s) seem to imply during their introduction and throughout the entire textbook.

Additional misconceptions:

 Page 439: The author show his incredible inability to reason logically and total ignorance and respect for an intelligent Creator, as well as lack of true wisdom, as he openly claims that we are the product of "one in billion" chance of "evolution. 

This foolishness is expressed, even, after expressly saying on same page (439 top) "This is an incredible amount of information considering..... how COMPLEX a protein is", and after  showing in page 38 that the "coding" of the human cell in the DNA is an extremely complex mechanism.

Page 438 shows proper evidence that the DNA is PRE-programmed using an INFORMATION CODE that far surpasses any code invented by mankind yet ! 

No coding in computer science is ever attributed to chance. 

Author finally expresses at end of page 439 "We believe DNA replication occurs with less than one error out of every billion base pairs".  

Instructor for the class then asks the students: What programmer today, intelligent or artificially possesses the ability to code with that high level of efficiency? 

Would you fly with an Air Traffic Control program whose code was the product of having come by itself as pure chance, a "one in a billion chance of evolution? and whose "mutation" or random changes produced a better code?

How true that the Bible expresses: "The fool says in his or her heart: There is no God" Psalms 14:1


1)  Number of scientists who believe in God remains high, a study says. Retrieved from  Accessed May 18th, 2017.

 2) "However, numerous eminent scientists and researchers have explicitly or implicitly shown signs of their belief in God." Retrieved from
3) Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute since 1993. The Question of God. Retrieved from Accessed May 18th, 2017

 Wells, 2002: Jonathan Wells, Darwinists Answer "Ten Questions" with Evasions and Falsehoods, 2002,

Darwinists Answer "Ten Questions" with Evasions and Falsehoods
Jonathan Wells - Discovery Institute- January 15, 2002
  "The NCSE introduces its answers to my Ten Questions by calling many of my claims "incorrect or misleading," and by maintaining that they are "intended only to create unwarranted doubts in students' minds about the validity of evolution as good science." The evasions and falsehoods listed above, however, make it clear that it is the NCSE's answers that are incorrect or misleading. If students have doubts about the scientific validity of evolution, their doubts are amply warranted not only by the systematic pattern of misrepresentations in biology textbooks, but also by the false and evasive statements the NCSE makes in defense of those misrepresentations.
Good science is the search for truth, and it searches for truth by comparing theories with the evidence. A good science education should present the evidence truthfully--especially the evidence for and against a theory as influential as Darwin's. Yet biology textbooks invariably present this evidence with a pro-Darwin spin, indoctrinating students rather than educating them. It seems that the National Center for Science Education, despite its title, wants students to inherit the spin".

Copyright   Computer Integrations, Inc. ©, 2017
No part of this article may be reproduced or copied without the author’s exclusive permission
Last Updated   Wednesday, July 12, 2017