Christian churches teach "theistic evolution"
Other churches and sects actively or passively teach or accept “evolutionary- theistic “ theories, the life evolving theories that teach we all came from a cell, initially started by God, and from them we went on to becoming humans, the goo-to-human falsehood (primordial goop to human life).
Examples of this new philosophy are all over the news. “Full of self-congratulatory swagger and blasphemous bravado, pop-level atheists such as the late Christopher Hitchens” make it cool to be a non-believer or even an atheist.
Personally, when I taught at a Christian university, one of my very brilliant and very accomplished students believed that we came from a single cell created by God, but that evolution over millions of years did the rest of the human development.
“Many millennials, though mostly 20-something Caucasian males, are enamored by books and blogs run by God-hating “thinkers.” The new reality of today is : “Our new God: Tolerance be Thy name”.
Why are we allowing our children (and ourselves) to be bullied by Atheists, Theists and elegant, but logically hollow theories ?
Some Definitions
Uniformitarianism ( the concept that the earth's surface and its contents was shaped in the past by gradual processes, rather than by sudden Divine Acts).
Secularists (rejection of religion and religious considerations) rule our children's schools and learning curriculum today.
False Tolerance
Tolerance today essentially means, “Because my truth is, well, my truth, no one may ever question any behavior or belief I hold.”
Haven't we all noticed that the new “standard” is now so ingrained in our country and in some of our youths that it is now impossible to rationally critique any of their beliefs or behavior without a backlash of criticism.
Some even claim they are being "judged" if we expose their evolutionary
eisegesis ("the process that.. introduces one's own presuppositions, agendas, or biases"), their false reasoning and circular logic.
You are now classified as anti-humanist, “imposing your religious views”, xenophobic, and all the other “phobic” adjectives that you can find in the dictionary if you question, defend your truth based scientific beliefs, and or oppose their radical and “freedom” thinking views.
The last decade and for much longer (2008-2017) the president of the United States, the government and some religious leaders have put "political correctness" ahead of scientific and biblical accuracy in our minds and hearts.
Alex McFarland, a Director for Christian World view and Apologetics at North Greenville University stated in his latest book: “Abandoned Faith: Why Millennials Are Walking Away and How You Can Lead Them Home.” the following:
”Is it really any wonder that kids raised in the churches of 21st century America aren’t often stirred to lifelong commitment? Most churches are so occupied with “marketing” themselves to prospective attendees that they wouldn’t dream of risking their “brand” by speaking tough-as-nails truth”.
Secular and Godless philosophies are the order of the day.
It has been estimated that over two million children are currently home-schooled in the United States alone. Additionally there is an estimated 500,000 to one million children more that are being educated at home worldwide.
Home-schooled students have proven their capabilities in colleges and beyond the obvious.
Many teachers have been privileged to have university home schooled students in science and math classes that excelled beyond those who went to public school.
Despite this track record of success by home schooled children, some home-schooling parents, we are told, feel intimidated by the incoherent, erratic, and inconsistent claims that evolution is a proven fact and has to be taught in school as an essential foundation for their future success.
One very reputable and conservative home school web site wrote back to a concerned parent who asked them why they were teaching false science. They responded via email that it was up to the children (6 and 8 years old) to decide for themselves whether "evolution" was true or not. Therefore, they included it their science curriculum. How absurd.
If we can falsely and easily convince our university adult students that "evolution of man" is true, how do you expect your 8 and 6 year old child to be capable of detecting the truth from falsehoods ?
(Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.
This is particularly a worry for parents and or students who desire careers in the sciences and medicine.
One lecturer and solid creation teacher stated: “Should Christian homeschooling parents believe the intimidating rhetoric of vocal theistic evolutionists who vigorously seek to get Christians to compromise Scripture and adjust it to fit into evolutionary paradigms?”
The lecturer ads, “When Christian parents compromise on scriptural truth by twisting it to make it fit with the claims of evolution regarding abiogenesis (that life arose from non-being, non-intelligent origins- from nothing, or even a single cell- Italics ours), the rise of biological complexity, and the age of the earth and universe, they risk causing irreparable, faith-damaging harm to their own children”.
In fact it has been shown that most medical doctors and most medical schools continue to consider evolution to be fairly irrelevant and useless to their practice. The objective facts of biology make perfect sense without any evolutionary overlays.
Shamefully, secular education and their evolutionists priests, not satisfied with the fact that their UN-proven theory is being forced at early ages of children who have no idea what they are being taught, whether right or wrong, are now intent on forcing their naturalistic, UN-goldly, make-no-sense, UN-intelligent, mindless beliefs into the medical field.
See references at end of all Posts
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