How simple is a "simple" cell ?

Can a single cell be re-Created ?

Evolutionists and practicing scientists are attempting to create life from a single cell.
However, they will never find spontaneous, already coded information, in any single cell, the same way it was originally coded for the "irreducible complexity" of those complex mechanisms.
They will never discover an already programmed carefully detailed information  coding system like the DNA structure of even a simplest living cell along with its chemical and physical "irreducible complexity". NOT "in billions of years".

You can not be a limper of two (2) opinions ! You can not believe in a single cell evolution - that God is an Impotent, and Handicapped person, while being Almighty at the same time. Would you leave an invention or design half way finished?
1 Kings 18:21"How long will you hesitate between two opinions?

Even many of the most physically challenged persons finish what they start and become incredibly successful. Why would God be less apt?

The most reliable textbook ever written says: You can not believe in "Jesus, the Last Adam", if there was no "First Adam" to begin with. (1Cor 15:45). This time proven age wise, but surprisingly modern textbook doesn't mince words, it does NOT state "The First Cell". It is perfectly clear when it spells out: "The First Adam". New Living Translation

"The first man, Adam, became a living person." (Not a living cell !) (Italics ours.) 1 Cor 15:45

"The origin of life is an especially difficult problem for materialists. Some of the remaining mysteries include the origin of ribose, the origin of nucleotides, the origin of amino acids, the origin of optically pure monomers, the polymerization of monomers, the ordering of monomers into biochemically meaningful arrangements, and so on".

"Life today is based on the information-carrying molecules DNA and RNA, the catalytic action of enzymes, and structural proteins. Life is self-perpetuating. The simplest cells known have biochemical machinery that can store and retrieve information encoded in DNA, transcribe the information into RNA, and then translate the RNA into a sequence of amino acids to make enzymes and other proteins as shown in the diagram in Figure 1."

"DNA is transcribed into messenger RNA with the assistance of an enzyme called RNA polymerase inside the cell nucleus. The messenger RNA is transported to the ribosome, a protein factory outside the nucleus. The RNA strand is there translated into a sequence of amino acids to form a protein. Some proteins are enzymes, such as RNA polymerase."

Proteins then, is what ultimately converts our cells into the respective complex organs, the heart, the lungs, the incredible eye, the ear, bones, blood. Ultimately making us what we are, very complex humans.

Which one came first? The blood cells, the lungs, the heart, the liver? Or did all at the same time come at once? Could anything have survived without all of those "irreducible complex" organs?

 An un-intelligent, origin of life scenario needs to explain the origin of this incredible complex information processing system. There is not enough "millions of years". Evolution is out of the question.

Even the simplest cell could not have spontaneously sprung from nothing with all that intricate information system built-in. Much less that of an intricately and exponentially complex human cell !

(Quote and Image, a courtesy of

A "simple" human cell

Human cell image courtesy of:

What about "Junk DNA"?

There is NO "Junk DNA" (a misnomer) as some, naively want us to believe. (
" TEs (Transposable elements or "junk DNA) (are) factors necessary for making us human rather than just selfish sequences or obligatory guests invading our DNA."  (Italics ours).

" McClintock..., was  among the first researchers to suggest that these mysterious mobile elements of the genome might play some kind of regulatory role, determining which genes are turned on and when this activation takes place (McClintock, 1965)."

Thus, new discoveries are alerting scientists to think twice before dismissing such a large portion of the genome as nothing but "junk."

In 2012 it was reported that 80% or more of our DNA seems to play some functional role, according to published findings of the multi-national project ENCODE  (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements). 
Dozens of technical scientific papers, published in 2007 and 2012, have caused a huge uproar, to the point "that they have set in motion a major rethinking of how widely our DNA is opened, read, and used".

Recently, the leader of the ENCODE project, Ewan Birney, is predicting that the human genome will soon prove to be 100% functional.
 Ed Yong, “ENCODE: the Rough Guide to the Human Genome,”

Thus, the teachings of "evolution" and the misnomer "Junk DNA" have proven to be false. This new finding is no imagination, nor "story telling". It is true science.

Information Systems Require an Intelligent Programmer

The source of living beings is the information system and not just the purely chemical or physical characteristics of their makeup.
Without spontaneous information pre-programmed into the DNA, scientists will never be able to replicate the marvelous process instituted into a haploid human cell with with its 3.5 billion base pairs. (

There is not enough “millions of years” as claimed by evolutionists, for the miracle of life with its information system in the DNA molecules, for life to have occurred from nothing. Their pursuits will be used for other useful things, but never to prove that we came from a non-existing being.

Just as you will never be able to convince any Computer or IT Scientist that a pile of silicon, metal, plastic material, gold, and wires would self create into an IBM mainframe computer or even a lowly, humble laptop in a period of 4 and ½ billion years via chemical reactions, physical reactions, and millions of volts of electrical discharges. Would you ? Or could you successfully convince anyone with a fairly intelligent level that such an intellectual accomplishment came from a Big Bang?


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