Math 5th and 6th Grade

5th and Grade Math for Creation Home Schoolers  

Practice Exercises


The following textbook will be used:

Author: Katherine A. Loop- Master Books, P.O. Box 726, Green Forest, AR 72638
This textbook can be purchased from: 

This is math program designed to give students a firm mathematical understanding, both academically and spiritually. This curriculum consists of the Student Textbook and the Teacher's Guide. It is designed to be self-taught, so students should be able to read the material and complete assignments on their own, with a parent or teacher available for questions. The Teacher's Guide contains all the worksheets, quizzes, and tests, along with an answer key and suggested schedule.


  • Biblical Worldview: Discover how the very existence of the math concepts proclaims the faithfulness of God…and experience the joy of using math to explore God’s creation.
  • Solid Foundation for High School Math and Real Life: Learn why the rules you’ve been memorizing work…and get practice applying those skills to real-life settings as you build problem-solving skills.
  • History, Science, and Real-Life Connections: Find the height of a tree without leaving the ground, use negative numbers to describe the force on objects, explore historical multiplication methods, apply math to music, and much more!

 The textbook above will be used in conjunction with the math video lessons provided courtesy of Khan Academy.

Please note a very important Caveat.

We do not endorse any of the evolutionary thinking of Sal the primary teacher of Khan Academy. We believe that his "evolutionary" ideas and the "millions of years" he uses as teaching tools throughout his classes are a poor representation of the Truth.

Nevertheless, we use some of the math tools for learning until something more specifically truthful is published that leaves out the "evolutionary" ideas that Sal presents constantly throughout his web site.

Contents Summary: